Second Meeting

On second thoughts, we have decided not to use a historic character as the 'idiot' character. This is because trying to explain all of the terms 'machine', 'computer', 'technology','digital' etc will be rather lengthy and boring for the audience. Our new plan, therefore is to inlcude a character who's been stuck down a mine for 40 years (a bit unbelievable, I know, but it should add some comedy value- hopefully!) It was decided that I'd be the miner (a welsh stereotype which should come easily to me!) and Heather would be the other character. We decided that to encompass the whole 'virtuality' aspects, we'd encorporate our maifesto into our performance in the form of a video. This would show our exploration of the use of digital in theatre. We were thinking of possible doing a piece involving digital replicates of our selves on 'second life' ( and do a whole performance in the digital realm but we concluded that we wanted to explore the boundaries between the 'real' and the 'digital' instead of relying fully on one or the other.

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